

I’m in the middle of a really busy day and haven’t been able to put any thought into posting here. Sooo, here is some blog filler: a self portrait in ballpoint pen I sketched the other day. Perhaps sharing what I’m doing with sketching will become a thing on this blog?


Drawing is a meditation


OK, I have to admit, I am having trouble thinking of content to post here everyday. I am thinking I might have bitten off more than I could chew. I would love to check in here but I think I am going to have to dial it back a bit.

Here is a post from my sketching blog, posted today. I am really, really wanting to develop a daily drawing habit and for some reason I keep tripping over myself. I feel like this needs to be a major focus for me. I don’t know why. But I don’t think we question the muse when she is knocking (very loudly) on our door.

I will post again here on Blatherskite in a few days when I’ve composed something interesting. See you soon!

Damn. It’s been a month since I picked up a pen and I’ve really missed it. I been doing other things but that muse has been screaming at me in the back of my mind telling me to sketch. Today I’ve been struggling a bit with depression and thought maybe it would help. The jury […]

via Drawing is like meditation  — Gotta Sketch That Itch

On fighting the monkey


“I can’t tell you how happy I am to have taken up drawing again. I’ve been thinking of it, but I always considered the thing impossible and beyond my reach.”

– Vincent van Gogh in a letter to his brother.

I saw this quote in a book the other day and found it so profoundly inspiring. I have always been very inspired by van Gogh and to see that this great master struggled with his craft in the beginning is a relief. It also shows that he pushed through his doubts about himself and he went on to create great works of art that speak (and have spoken to) to millions and millions of people.

I, too, have started drawing again. I decided to carry a simple sketchbook with me everywhere I go and fit in a quick sketch as I go about my day. I am using a Traveller’s Notebook for this purpose because it is very inconspicuous. It doesn’t look like a sketchbook. It’s also the right size to easily carry around everywhere.

On my lunch breaks I go for a walk around the downtown area of my little town and I have been carrying my sketchbook around and making quick drawings of things that catch my eye. I am only using a fountain pen which prevents me from “fixing” mistakes (there are a lot of mistakes). The fountain pen is slightly awkward to draw with because the ink doesn’t dry quickly but I like the lines it produces and I like the way it flows across the page. Because I am out walking and my lunch break is short my sketches have to be quick. I am usually standing when I sketch and I imagine people wonder what the fuck I am doing when they walk or drive by.

As I make these simple, quick drawings my head is buzzing with these kinds of thoughts: “You are standing here like an idiot and people are wondering what you are doing.” “This drawing sucks completely. Let’s just give up now.” “You messed up that line.” “That looks nothing like that (thing you are drawing).” “the ink is taking too long to dry, let’s just quit.” “We need to get back to eat lunch”


As I draw these sketches and as these thoughts enter my mind I keep drawing through them. I finish the drawing. I give myself permission to draw for the sake of drawing. Nobody has to see these drawings. These are for myself. I don’t even have to look at them later, if i don’t want to. I let the chatter happen (it’s just going to happen, I can’t stop it honestly) and then I keep my pen moving regardless.

I feel like each time I keep my pen moving through the chatter it is a small victory. It’s hard to face the monkey chatter. Really really hard. But each time I do it and keep the pen moving I feel like I am giving it less power.


Things on the counter: #Devclub edition


Today I am off to the airport for a two week trip to Spain and Dublin. I am currently writing this post from the past. Over the next couple of weeks you can follow my adventure here, if all goes as planned with internet access.

Here is a drawing I did a few weeks ago while waiting for my film to develop. I have yet to scan the negatives from these rolls!!

Things on the counter: Kitchen


Having been very inspired by doing detailed drawings on the kitchen, I decided that I would focus in on detailed drawings of things on the counter, so I started a little series. It’s ongoing. Here is one I drew a few weeks ago. Still don’t have a clue about how to use watercolor paint, but I’m having fun.