Pinhole in the Library: Cleaning Up


This is the last of my series of Pinhole In the Library photos, the final image that I had printed for the library’s art wall. This was another one from my “One Pinhole A Day” project from last year. I wanted to pinhole myself cleaning up after storytime, curious as to how all of the movement would look as a pinhole image. I liked the result!

Geeky Bits:
Camera: Ondu MK2 6×6
Film: Portra 160
Exposure Time: 1 minute 33 seconds

As I type this my muscles are aching. It’s winter and I’ve been running early in the morning in the dark. On Wednesday I was trucking along gleefully when I tripped and very dramatically landed and skidded on the sidewalk. I laid on my back and stared up into the stars as I regained my composure. When that happened, I sat up and looked myself over. I wasn’t bleeding. So I got up and finished my run. But my muscles have been achy ever since. And then this morning I was running (after the sun had risen) in the cold. I slipped on some ice and my leg muscle cramped from the act of bracing myself for a fall, which I didn’t do (thank goodness). So this evening I am sitting here feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck and realizing I should just run on the treadmill until winter is over.
With all of that in mind, here is the musical soundtrack to this post. Which really is more about the video.

Boring Half Marathon

Health and Fitness

I did it! My time, according to my Apple Watch, was two minutes faster this year. Not bad for having a bad cold, battling terrible smoky air, and having to deal with an injury during my training.

Honestly, I wasn’t really looking forward to this. I was kinda cranky about running it in the days leading up to it. And then I caught a bad cold a couple days ago and yesterday the smoke was so bad you could taste it! I was worried about how the air would be today and honestly wasn’t sure I’d be able to go through with it if the air quality was anything like yesterday.

But this morning I walked out the door at 6:00 and the air was crisp and clean. And it stayed that way, as well as staying cool. Perfect running weather! And now it’s pouring rain. 😊 boom! It’s Fall.

Sunday run day 🏃

Health and Fitness

The wind changed direction and it rained a couple of times this week so my run was pleasant this morning. It’s nice to have clear air and to be able to breath! However my shoulder is all knotted up and hurts and it affected how I felt. Getting old kind of sucks.

Here I am at the Forest Oracle wishing for a good race next week. 😊