Dancing in the deepest oceans


A month ago a friend on Facebook shared a number of live performances from bands from the Eighties and it was great fun to watch them. They took me back to my teens and early twenties. It’s so wonderful how music can do this! One of the songs was the Cure’s Just Like Heaven, which has been a pretty solid favorite of mine my whole life and his been on regular rotation in my playlists.

I decided to read the lyrics to the song last month when I heard it. It’s something I’ve been doing lately because of my interest in poetry.

Have you ever paid attention to the lyrics to this song? I hadn’t before. I’ve always connected to the fun, upbeat melody. Well, I read them and I wept.

Maybe it’s the connection to my younger days and that those days are gone, and I’m not the same person I was. Maybe I’m crying for the loss of her. The teen/20 something version of myself. I don’t know. Regardless, I wept. I still can’t really hear this song without crying.

Oh darling make it go away


I was getting ready for work and listening to music, as one does, and the fabulous song by Joe Jackson, Steppin’ Out, played. I  was recently reminded of that song on Fluxblog a few weeks ago and it’s been in my head ever since. I thought I was going to write about it today as I was listening to it. But then “This Woman’s Work” by Kate Bush played right afterwards and I found myself, a few bars in, covered in my own tears, sobbing. I think the universe knows that I needed a good cry this week. I didn’t think this week would be hard for me, but it’s proving to be very emotional. I am being haunted by ghosts.

So I will leave the video here, in case you want a good, cathartic, cry too. 

Tomorrow I will be back with my regularly scheduled photography.

You make me want to pick up a guitar…

Life, Music

I was listening to music this morning and this oldie popped up on iTunes: Interpol’s Slow Hands. I love this song,and this whole album for that matter. I haven’t heard it in years and years.

So anyway!

I sprained my knee and have been crankily hobbling around on a crutch for the past week and a half. I really would love to get back into the habit of blogging more, but I am not sure that is going to be anytime soon. Maybe this post will be the seed that gets me going?