Family ghosts


We finally got a nice day on Monday so we went out hiking and I brought my camera. I got some nice shots of the forest moss. The sun was out for a few hours and then it clouded up in the afternoon and we were back to being gray and dreary. Oh well. Such is the life of an Oregonian.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why I am living in Sandy, aside from the fact that I got a job and moved here. There is a little bit of family history here that I was unaware of until I told my mom I had an interview for this job here.

My mom’s brother  lived here in the 1960s with his young family of 6 kids. They lived here happily for a few years until one terrible day when the youngest daughter drowned while playing in the Sandy River. It was so devastating that it pretty much broke the family apart.  My uncle has talked about an old graveyard up here that his daughter and his son (he died a few years ago) are buried in and this is where he wants to be buried someday. He has to come over here once a year to clear out the debris and weeds because nobody else takes care of the place. I heard him talk about this graveyard a couple of years ago but had no idea where it was. He mentioned it being near Mt. Hood and he talked about it being a beautiful place. I remember thinking “Wow, that sounds really awesome. I wouldn’t mind seeing that graveyard sometime.” And now I live here. How weird is that?

I’ve tried to find this graveyard a few times since I moved here with no luck. I found a website that describes what I believe is the cemetery that my uncle was talking about that gives a few clues as to where it is so I’ll keep looking. If I can’t find it I know my uncle will be visiting around memorial day to visit the graves of his children and clear out the area. He enlisted Raf to help him when we last saw him.

7 thoughts on “Family ghosts

  1. Your article and pictures are wonderful. I know this was written awhile ago, but i am always behind for some have been looking for this Cemetery for years. Like you i have driven up and down the road. I think I may have it down to with a block or so. But thank you for great articel


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