My parent’s tables


I caught up on some backlog and I finally have some photography to share. Today I am going to share a couple of images I took while I was in Spokane visiting my family over the summer. They are both pinhole photos taken with a Reality So Subtle pinhole camera. One of them was taken at my dad’s and the other was taken at my mom’s.

Breakfast at Mom’s
breakfast at Dad’s

Life is beautiful

Life, Photography

I have been really quiet over here, and I really don’t know what to say about that. I think when I stop posting on my blog regularly the void is filled with other things. And then dust starts to settle.

After blogging about my questioning of the “Spark Joy” method of de-cluttering I went down a rabbit hole that I am still in and I would love to write about it. So stay tuned for a post about that. And I really need to do some kind of year end wrap up post, because this is happening very soon.

In the meantime, here is a Holga shot from my most recent roll. This is the last recent photo I have in my Flickr photo stream so I need to get to developing and scanning some film so I can share some more!

Holga Portraits


I’ve been wanting to do a series of portraits using my Holga and have been working on it half-heartedly for the past year. I’m not very good at asking people if I can take their portrait so I’ve let a lot of opportunities slip by. But I can usually count on my photography friends to say yes. So here is a small series of portraits that I took the day I got my Woodblak camera (which I shared with you last week). These were all taken at Cathedral Park in St. Johns, Portland.


As I was finishing up the roll I had a problem with winding the film and something weird ended up happening to my camera, which resulted in the light leak. I am really hoping I didn’t break my camera!

Regardless,  I am pleased with how these turned out and I really want to do more of them.



In late August I was on a meetup with some of my pinhole photography buddies and we found ourselves at Blue Moon Camera And Machine. Somehow, I ended up with a Woodblak camera. It’s a beautiful camera, carved from a single piece of wood and made locally in Portland by Kurt Mottweiler. So, honestly, it wasn’t a hard sell.

A couple of days after I bought it he had a sale on his website, so he very graciously offered to outfit my new beauty with a leather strap. I said yes, of course. I paid a visit to his studio (which was amazing) and we had a nice chat while he added the strap.

Here are a few photos taken with this camera. These are only the first roll shot through the camera, and I used Illford FP4. I wanted to shoot black and white because I generally don’t get my color developed until I have a enough saved up to make it worthwhile to either make the trip into Portland or buy some developer and do it myself. I like the shots a lot! I have two rolls of color in my queue and I can’t wait to see how they came out.

Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright
Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright
The day the flag fell
The Day The Flag Fell

The camera is a dream to use. If you are interested in learning more about these cameras, or what else Kurt is up to, you can visit his website here.

Enchanted Forest With A Pinhole Camera Part 2


Here are a few more shots from the Enchanted Forest with my pinhole camera. If you are in the area and want something interesting to do, it’s worth the visit. It’s completely bizarre and fun to photograph. I definitely will be going back. I wanted to arrange a trip this past Autumn with my pinhole Meetup group but things got busy and then I sprained my knee.

Waiting for the show to start
The Amphitheater
Enchanted Forest
European Village

Speaking of pinhole, I was interviewed on the Lensless Podcast for this week’s episode. You can listen here.