Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo


I wrote a blog post about the Carmel Mission in California over on Pinhole Obscura!

Pinhole Obscura

Carmel MIssion

The California Missions represent Spain’s expansion in California. They were built specifically for military and evangelizing purposes – to convert Native Americans to Catholicism. Because of this I am always left with a bitter taste in my mouth when I visit these kinds of places. The places are beautiful today and sometimes even peaceful. But there is an underlying history of violence that shouldn’t be forgotten or ignored.

Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, or The Carmel Mission as it is more popularly known, is located in the beautiful town of Carmel-By-The-Sea. It is one of 21 Spanish missions in California, and the second one founded, in 1770.

These days one can eat lunch at Clint Eastwood’s restaurant while enjoying the stunning Pacific Coastline scenery and then visit the Carmel Mission next door. Maybe even pinhole the bell tower while they are there.

Camera: Zero 2000

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