


Today’s image is from the latest results of the Great Transatlantic Pinhole Filmswap Project. This is one of those serendipitous film swap photos that make me remember why I love doing these. I am not very fond of this self portrait of me, but I am sharing it here because today I need the reminder to love myself. The  odd thing about this photo is that I made a video at this exact time and shared it here on my blog, with a quote from Kendrick Lamar’s song, “I” (a song about loving oneself).

You can see the rest of the results from the swap here. And do let me know if you are interested in participating!


Geeky bits:

Camera: Terrapin 3d printed pinhole camera. Made by the fabulous Todd Schlemmer.
Film: Ektar 100

Inge shot her side in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I shot mine in Portland, Oregon, USA.