Does this scare the crap out of anyone else?


The Republican-controlled legislature of South Dakota’s sweeping new law banning abortion in the conservative state also protects rapists’ rights. Now, men who impregnate girls or women against their will – even fathers who rape their daughters – are almost guaranteed to become dads.

I’ve been freaking out the past few days over South Dakota’s abortion ban. I seriously can’t beleive this is happening. They have banned all abortion in that state, even if the woman or child has been raped. RAPED! This is totally inhumane! I am enraged!

I was talking this over with my husband the other night and he and I just came to the sickening realization that Roe Vs. Wade will be overturned. It’s going to be over-fucking-turned. Un-freaking-believable.

Read an interesting article about it here.

Impeach Bush


Christie sent me this article yesterday: ABC News: Vermont Towns Endorse Move to Impeach Bush

In five Vermont communities, a centuries-old tradition of residents gathering in town halls to conduct local business became a vehicle to send a message to Washington: Impeach the president.

I find it very interesting that entire towns are voting for impeachment. Clearly, the people want Bush out. Do you remember entire towns voting for Clinton’s impeachment during that whole Lewinsky fiasco? It’s just sad that the people will not get what we want because of the Repug controlled congress. The system is backward.