My once-a-week health check-in

Health and Fitness

I was having a Facebook conversation with a dear friend of mine (Hi Rachel!) about re-committing to eating vegan. I haven’t been doing so well in this arena. I haven’t even been eating vegetarian! So this is my way of making sure I am being true to myself – blogging once a week about my progress. Since it feels kind of like confession, Sundays seem like an appropriate day to do this. I am sure you (all two of my readers) will find this Sunday check-in interesting! Are we ready? Then let’s do this.

So. Yeah. Not doing so well with the vegan thing. And not doing so well with the losing weight thing either. So I have decided (again) to do the Engine Two 28 day challenge. They make it so easy with the eating plan and the shopping list that you can print up. I have it all printed and all I have to do is go shopping for the week. It should be easy for me because I have been cooking the recipes for several months.

I have also started keeping a food journal at My Fitness Pal. I have done this off and on throughout the years with varying degrees of success. For the most part I find them horribly tedious. On the other hand, they are also very eye opening. For example, I realized yesterday that beer has a lot of calories and the fact that I have been drinking a lot of it is probably the reason why I haven’t been able to lose weight.

Therefore I need to stop drinking beer if i want to get serious about losing weight.

This fact makes me a little sad because one of my favorite things is a good craft micro-brew after work. Honestly, there are few things that are better than that. But I am going to have to maybe think hard about whether it is really worth it.

The good news is that I am running again! I am on week 5 of the Ease in 5k program. My foot seems to be healing and everything is going very well. I am also doing that 7 minute workout that was featured in the New York Times a few months ago.