You make me want to pick up a guitar…

Life, Music

I was listening to music this morning and this oldie popped up on iTunes: Interpol’s Slow Hands. I love this song,and this whole album for that matter. I haven’t heard it in years and years.

So anyway!

I sprained my knee and have been crankily hobbling around on a crutch for the past week and a half. I really would love to get back into the habit of blogging more, but I am not sure that is going to be anytime soon. Maybe this post will be the seed that gets me going?


People at the Japanese Garden


Here are a few more from my visit to the Portland Japanese Gardens in June. I took these while resting on the bench, starting at the tranquil water. We (the group of pinhole photographers I was with) had a nice conversation with some curious onlookers.


Japanese Garden Ghosts