The blessing of being forced to slow down


In my last post I talked about how I injured my knee. The thing about this particular injury is that it is more inconvenient than anything else. It hurts to bend my knee for any significant period of time so I can’t do things like sit in a car for very long, or drive, or even sit in a chair. Forget sitting on the floor. So I haven’t been able to meditate because it hurts to sit. I am missing two significant activities that keep me sane: running and meditating. This is not good.

You’d think that I’d be completely losing my mind, but I’m not. I am actually very surprised by this. I feel an odd sense of equanimity.

I am moving very slowly. Slowing down really changes how a person views the world around them. I am noticing everything. And sometimes I appreciate those things.  I am wondering if it is this slowing down and noticing what is around me that is helping me feel OK. I kind of like this, to be honest. I realize that I pack too much into my daily routine and it’s nice to slow down instead of rushing through life trying to do ALL THE THINGS.

I’m tempted to worry about how I will cope when I am better and I have to jump back into my regular routine. But I am giving myself permission to let all of that go and just deal with getting better right now.


2 thoughts on “The blessing of being forced to slow down

  1. Now I’m retired my life has really slowed, I like it, I can take time now to notice things around me, great for photography, and I feel much more relaxed about life but I think age is a big factor in that.

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