Me: I am taking a photo of the Twin Peaks Diner with a Holga. I feel so hipster.

Raf: That is High-Hipster.

This is my Holga GFN with a 35mm film adaptor.  It was fun to use but I didn’t love the results from it.

Below is the other shot from the entire roll of 36 exposures that I kinda liked. A shot of Snoqualamie Falls (also featured in Twin Peaks)

Cue Twin Peaks Theme



Photography, Random

Twin Peaks Tourists 

Travel and Other Adventures

My touristing isn’t done, this week! On the way home from Redmond we stopped by some famous places from the 90’s cult classic television show, Twin Peaks. The featured photo is the delicious cherry pie I had at the Double R Diner. OMG. It was the best $5 I’ve ever spent.

Here are some more snaps.

Here are the falls featured in the opening credits.

Tourist shot!

the falls with the Salish Lodge/Great Northern Hotel in the background

The Double R Diner!

What a fun little diversion! It got us out of Seattle traffic on our drive home and I got to eat some damn good cherry pie.