Crafty Monday: Aran Necklace Camisole


Why hello there! It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? I have to admit, I havent’ been feeling very social networky lately. And not very in the mood to blog, for some reason. Until today. I thought I’d post something crafty.
I finished the Aran Necklace Camisole almost a month ago. This is what I worked on when I was really sick in July. Did I tell you about that? Oh god. I was soo sick. I ran a fever for a good week. And we’re talking a pretty high fever too. I seriously thought I was gonna die. It ended up being bronchitis, and it took me a month to fully recover and feel normal again. So, yeah, my summer hasn’t been super fantastic.

Anyway, the camisole. This knit kind of got me through it. It was a really fun knit. The cabling in the yoke was very simple and it made the knitting interesting. The miles of stockinette got a bit boring toward the end, as per the usual case.

I really like the way it turned out, though I have only worn it once. I wore it as a vest to work one day and the cotton and linen yarn made the garment grow on me throughout the day. This yarn can be washed and dried in the dryer, though, so that’s good. It’ll shrink it up a bit.

Not much else to say about that. Here’s the Ravelry info if you are interested in the fine details.

I have some other crafty pursuits going on right now that I’ll have to share in the near future. I’m working on a t-shirt quilt with my old Summer Reading t-shirts and I’m doing some embroidery on it.

I’ve also discovered beading! This happened this past week while I’ve been on vacation. I’ve already made three necklaces and a pair of earrings. So I will show them to you soon, as well. I might be addicted to this at the moment. It’s super fun!

Happy Monday!

Tamanawas Falls

Photography, Travel and Other Adventures

We went on a couple of fun hikes this past weekend. One of them being Tamawanas Falls on the east end of Mt. Hood, off of Highway 35. It was just under 4 miles but I was a little wiped out afterwards. I’m so incredibly out of shape. I’m getting back into the game though. One small hike at a time 🙂

The trail is beautiful and it leads to this gorgeous view. If you are feeling adventurous you can hike all the way up behind the falls but you have to hike over some rickety rocks and the way is a bit steep. Raf went off ahead of me while I sat on a rock, took some pictures, and enjoyed the mist.

The Curve of Time by M. Wylie Blanchet

Books, Music, Art, Movies

The Curve of Time by Blanchet

Enjoyment is always greatest when you have enough contrast to measure it by. – M. Wylie Blanchet (The Curve of Time)

I’ve been meaning to blog more about some of the great books I’ve read this year. Some of them are kind of obscure and I feel the need to share them.

One of those fabulous books is The Curve of Time by M. Wylie Blanchet. This was a book club selection for the Women’s book club at the library. I had never heard of it before. I’m so glad I was introduced to it. It’s a beautiful book.

It is considered a memoir but I think travelogue is a more accurate description.  It is written by M. Wylie Blanchet, whose husband died unexpectedly  leaving her with five  young children.   Not a lot of detail is given about the death of her husband. The “About the Author” section states that he was “presumed dead when he never returned from a day trip on the Caprice.” The boat was found and then became the scene for the stories in this book.

The stories take place in the 1920s an 1930s. I find that remarkable. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because she was a single mom during that time period. Maybe it’s because she wasn’t afraid to go out and have adventures on a boat with her kids. Wasn’t afraid to even get into some perilous situations. I like that she didn’t depend on the help of a man to fix the boat if it needed fixing. She was self sufficient and was able to handle the work herself. Was this rare for the 20s and 30s? I have this idea that it was. Regardless, she was a remarkable woman, even by today’s standards. I wouldn’t know the first thing about fixing a boat. And going on adventures where I could potentially be attacked by a bear? Forget about it.

As I was reading this book I searched for a map of the islands around Vancouver Island so I could see where all of the islands and inlets were that she was talking about.  I felt pulled into the stories and I found myself wanting to visit the area to see the places she writes about. But it’s not just the places that make the book so wonderful. It is the characters she meets, as well.  People and animals.

As I was reading this I couldn’t help but think of my great-grandmother, Laura Boucher. It was probably around the same time period, maybe a decade earlier that she went through something sort of similar. My great grandfather, Will Boucher moved her and their five (or six?) children up to Vancouver, B.C. so he could find work (doing what I can’t remember).  My great -grandfather died on one of those small islands up there while hunting. He was shot accidentally by his hunting partner. He was only in his thirties when he died and he left my great-grandmother with their five young children, a widowed and a  single parent.  I always imagined mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of my great-grandfather. Was it really an accident? Maybe it was a murder? But that is all speculation. The result of reading too many murder mysteries.  My great-great grandfather, Laura Boucher’s dad (Ben Boucher) went up to Vancouver to help her move back down to Couer d’Alene, Idaho, where the family was originally from. And that is where she lived until she died. She never remarried.

Anyway, back to the book. It was one of my favorites so far this year. I highly recommend it. I wish I could be a bit more descriptive but I’m afraid I would spoil the wonderful stories if I did. However, if you are in the mood for a well-written memoir from a phenomenal woman, as well as a travelogue that will allow your mind to drift away to an amazingly beautiful place,  you should get your hands on it.

Photography Friday: Little Crater Lake

Photography, Travel and Other Adventures

Photography Friday: Little Crater Lake
Raf and I went to Timothy Lake on Sunday, by way of Little Crater lake. This is more like a pool. It’s was, or is, created by alpine springs and is very deep. Here is a short little blurb about it.

It is also supposed to be haunted! According to this website campers sometimes see teenagers swimming in the very cold lake with arms outstretched, as if calling for help. spooky!

Crafty Monday: Que Sera


I finished Que Sera a long time ago. Here is a horrible picture of me wearing it, reflected in the bathroom mirror. I really need to get better at taking pictures of myself wearing my hand knits. That is one thing I’ve never really gotten good at, or have liked doing in all of the years I’ve been blogging about my knitting.

But that is beside the point.

So. Que Sera. This wasn’t the funnest knit for me. I saw the sweater in Knitty and had to have it. I’ve been needed more cardigans to wear to work and a cotton, lace cardigan fit the bill perfectly for summer. But, honestly, I am not fond of knitting lace. It frustrates me. Always has. It is in no way relaxing to me. Unfortunately, I like the way lace looks and sometimes I want to wear lacey things. So this was one of those times where I just pushed through and did it. And I really like the final product for the most part.

The one thing I don’t like is the neckline. When I wear it it tends to slide down my shoulders. But that’s the magic of knitting your  own sweaters.  You can fix things like this! So I plan to do that.

The buttons I chose are too small, so I will be replacing those, as well.

The sleeves I decided to knit differently than the pattern was written. The sleeves are knit flat. Which is kind of weird to me because the rest of the sweater is knit in the round. So the sweater is knit in the round and the shoulders are seamed up and then you knit the sleeves flat and then seam them into the armholes. After knitting an entire lace sweater, that just sounded like a recipe for a tempter tantrum. So I decided to make things easier on myself and just pick up the stitches around the armhole and knit them from the top down. The lace pattern is upside down but that is perfectly fine. You can’t really tell. I double decreased the sleeves every 6th and 12th row. And I decided to make them 3/4 sleeves, since this is a summer sweater.

It is knitted with Cotton Ease so I can wash and dry it if I wanted to. It’s very comfy and, despite the neckline thing, I really like wearing it.

Ravelry Link.