Pussy hats galore

Craft, Life

In my post about the Women’s March I talked a little bit about the lead up to the march and my indifference. At the time, I didn’t see the point of protesting. I didn’t see how it could accomplish anything. As I pondered these thoughts I kept seeing these hats pop up on my IG feed and, occasionally, around town. I had to admit, I was curious. But I couldn’t drum up enough interest to knit one.

Then I read an article, written by a woman, who was irritated by the pussy hat. I can’t find the article right now (dammit) but I remember her mentioning that the hat would be made fun of, that the march was a serious matter and the hat would distill the march into something silly. She used “bra burning” as an example from the past.

I saw many of my knitter friends get angry at this article and, indeed, I felt annoyed by it as well. I am generally annoyed by people who tell me, or others, how I should think or what I should do, or that my actions aren’t good enough. And when women put down other women I feel a deep annoyance that is hard for me to articulate. Her argument was in the back of my mind in the lead up to the march. In the mean time I felt a tinge of inspiration and empowerment with each pussy hat I saw finished by my friends on Instagram. Still, I didn’t make one. Mostly because I didn’t expect to go to a march.

But the tides turned and I did go to a march! As I walked to the meetup spot I was nervous about who would show up. I was nervous that I would be alone in a crowd of people I didn’t know. However, that fear quickly dissipated as I got closer. I smiled as I saw all of the women walking down the street wearing Pussy Hats. I thought, “These are my people!”  And then to see a crowd of people with pink hats at the meeting spot filled my heart with joy. I could see the purpose of the hat very clearly. It was a way to unify all of. A rallying point. Later on in the day when I saw the photos of the massive crowds and the sea of pink the power of the hat really took on a whole other meaning. It was an incredible sight.

I had to laugh when I saw tweets from Trump supporters wondering who manufactured all of these hats and how did the do it so quickly! LOL! Never underestimate the power of knitters. Or of women.

I went to a meetup of the women I marched with here on Sunday. It was the first of many meetings. We are coming together to empower each other and help each other continue to fight and resist. I’m really excited to dig in and be a part of something important.

Oh! And I knitted a Pussy Hat.

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