That time I took a photo of garbage


Here is another shot from my One Pinhole A Day project. On my walk to work I often see empty plastic bottles of this brand of vodka lying by the sidewalk. It always makes we wonder about the person who emptied it. I decided to pinhole it one day.

December 3

Incidentally, I was interviewed last Friday evening on my friend John Meadow‘s podcast, MPP. We had a great conversation about pinhole photography, film, and the postcard swap. You can listen here. And his podcast, in general, is really great and worth subscribing to if you are a film photography geek (like me). 🙂

Geeky Bits

One Pinhole A Day

Day 35
Camera: Terrapin Bijou
Film: Ektachrome (cross processed)
Exposure time: 1 minute 4 seconds
Date: Dec 3, 2016